hybrid hotend

hi to all, i found on kickstarter this project and I’m interested in their hotend. I contacted them through email to ask them if it’s compatible with TAZ4 but they answered that the new Lulzbots use the Hexagon hot end, which has a standard 16mm groove mount like the Hybrid. Can some please tell me if it’s compatible or not?

It has a standard J-head groove mount and to the best of my knowledge, that is the same as the Hexagon. However, you’r Taz 4 has a Budhashnozzle that has a very different mounting system. There are printable JHead mounts for TAZ printers on Thingiverse. The E3D-Online V6 TAZ mount should work fine.

Do you mean this? http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:372842

Exactly that one.

I had better luck mounting my E3D V6 using these parts. The E3D and Hexagon hotends are shorter that the Buda. The new extruder mount lowers everything a bit and the other parts let it all clamp together tightly while keeping the Z min end stop in range.

The groove mount body from:

Adapter plate:

Extruder Mount:

This adapter worked but I prefer the three parts listed above.