TazPro Dual Won't print with Head 2

After the latest Firmware update my Pro Dual will not recognize the 2nd hot end when I code it to use it. What is going on?

Does the LCD show both extruder temperatures or just one?

Both will heat up. Both will extrude when prompted manually. But only hot-end one will print when the g-code says to use hot-end 2.

Try adding “T2” at the end of the start gcode. I think it requires it print from 1 and then optionally 2. This will force it to move to extruder 2.

In GCODE, T1 is the 2nd extruder. T0 is the first.

How are you “coding it to use it”?

Yeah that’s what I meant. I would suggest looking at the actual gcode it’s generating. Maybe you can post the first hundred lines so we can look at it. I personally use Prusaslicer with the dual and it has its own issues that Cura does not, but I am fairly certain it’s smart enough to know which extruder to activate.

I ran a test with Cura 4.13.10, disabled the first extruder, enabled the second, and sliced an object. The start gcode selected the second extruder before starting the print.

It does always use the first extruder for probing, and will heat it to wipe, but after G29 it turns off T0 and prints on T1.

How do I see all the g-code in a sliced object?

Export the gcode to a file instead of sending to the printer. Open the gcode file in a text editor.

For just testing the dual color, make two very small objects (like 3mm cubes) of each color on the plate, that way the gcode file will be smaller and easier to examine.

;Filament used: 11.8172m, 35.1344m
;Layer height: 0.25
;Generated with Cura_SteamEngine 4.13.0-BETAv1.5
M104 S245
M104 T1 S180
M109 S245
M109 T1 S180
M82 ;absolute extrusion mode
M82 ;absolute extrusion mode
; This profile is designed specifically for the LulzBot TAZ Pro with Dual Extruder Tool Head
M73 P0 ; clear GLCD progress bar
M75 ; start GLCD timer
M107 ; disable fans
G90 ; absolute positioning
M420 S0 ; disable previous leveling matrix
M140 S110 ; begin bed temping up
M104 S180 T0 ; soften filament
M104 S180 T1 ; soften filament
G28 ; home
M117 Heating… ; LCD status message
M109 R180 T0 ; wait for temp
M109 R180 T1 ; wait for temp
T0 ; select this extruder first
M82 ; set extruder to absolute mode
G92 E0 ; set extruder to zero
G1 E-10 F100 ; retract 10mm of filament on first extruder
G0 X50 F1000 ; move over to switch extruders
T1 ; switch extruders
M82 ; set extruder to absolute mode
G92 E0 ; set extruder to zero
G1 E-10 F100 ; retract 10mm of filament on second extruder
M104 S170 T0 ; set to wipe temp
M104 S170 T1 ; set to wipe temp
M106 ; turn on fans to speed cooling
T0 ; select first extruder for probing
G1 X-16.5 Y100 F2000 ; move above wiper pad
M117 Cooling… ; LCD status message
M109 R170 T0 ; wait for T0 to reach temp
M109 R170 T1 ; wait for T1 to reach temp
M107 ; turn off fan
G1 Z 1.0 ; push nozzle into wiper
G1 X -16.5 Y19 Z20 F1000 ; raise extruder
M106 S255 ; turn on fan to blow away fuzzies
G4 S5 ; wait 5 seconds
M107 ; turn off fan
G0 X50 F1000 ; move over to switch extruders
T1 ; switch to second extruder
G1 X296.5 Y100 F5000 ; move E2 above second wiper pad
G1 Z 1.0 ; push nozzle into wiper

G0 Z5.45
T0 ; set extruder
M190 R90 ; get bed temping up during first layer
G1 Z2 E0 F75 ; raise head and 0 extruder
M82 ; set to absolute mode
M400 ; clear buffer
M117 TAZ Printing… ; LCD status message

G92 E0
G92 E0
G1 F1200 E-1.5
M107 P1
G0 F10200 X113.612 Y36.537 Z0.42
G1 F600 E0
G1 F900 X114.277 Y36.335 E0.04576

all coordinates after this. I don’t see where it tells it to start printing with E0…

It’s printing (or starting to print) first from extruder 1 (T0). So something is incorrect in the way you are slicing it. Is the intent to print only from the second extruder? Then you need to disable the first extruder: